Kadi-Maarija MaripuuFamily Constellator

Bachelor of Humanities (completed 2017)
09.10.2020 – 09.10.2022 “Family constellations and consulting” school: Moscow Institute of Consulting and System Solutions
10.2023-10.2024 In progress “Structural constellations and consulting” – 3 of 4 modules passed
2023. Estonian Institute of Constellations. Stephan Hausner. Physical and mental health and illness. Constellations with symptoms. (2 days)
2021. Private School of Transpersonal Psychology and Hypnotherapy. Prenatal, postnatal and postnatal psychology and medicine. (3 days)
2021. A flourishing NGO. Stephan Hausner. Health, Symptoms, and Diseases: An Advanced Study of Constellations for Constellators. (3 days)
2020. Thriving NGO. Tiiu Bolzmann trauma continuing education seminar: Tiiu Bolzmann trauma continuing education seminar: How to deal with childhood and family trauma in constellation work (2 days)
2020. UT Haapsalu College. The process of assessing a child’s development in a preschool (1 day)
2019. Pelgulinna Child Protection Center. A child with behavioral difficulties in a kindergarten group. Cooperation with the parent. (1 day)
2018. School of Native Wisdom and Folk Medicine. Basic training in Ayurveda (56 academic hours)
Moscow supervisions successfully completed: 07.10.22-09.10.22

I do both individual and group constellations.