Reet KiselFamily Constellator; Structural constellator

Specialist in Family Constellations and Client-Centered Structural Constellations (Certificates of the Institute of Counseling and Systemic Solutions since 2019)

I obtained my higher education at Tallinn Pedagogical University, but I have only put these skills to use in my family. I have worked as an administrator, sports officer and restorer, but set my family and home first and foremost.

I am married and have four children. As our greatest teachers and most truthful “mirrors”are the people close to us, the desire to be a better wife and mother, as well as to bring more joy, harmony and satisfaction into my life, led me to a conscious path of self-development and healing.

I began this journey in 2010 with a very long, thorough, and intensive course of holistic regression therapy that significantly broadened my understanding of myself, the world, and being human in general. In 2015, I took courses in ThetaHealing, which provided me with the knowledge on and skills of changing one’s thoughts, feelings and thus also physical reality (one’s life). Two and a half years of constellation studies taught me to see and understand the role of family, ancestors and history in human life. Constellations have allowed me to harmonize the influences of my family and have brought a lot of clarity, peace and joy to my life.

I consider the greatest wealth to be the people with whom life has brought me together: my family members, friends, teachers, fellow students, therapists. The more I learned, developed, and changed in the direction I wanted, the greater became my desire to share all the good that others had brought into my life.

I gradually started working as a therapist in 2015, and I began to practice as a constellator during my studies, in early 2018. I do both group work and private sessions. I attach great importance to a customer-centered approach, thoroughness and the safety of all participants. I do this work with love and out of my love for life and people.