Taivo JansonFamily constellator Business and organization constellator

Family constellations 2019-2022. Institute for Consulting and System Solutions. Olga Knyazeva

Business and organizational constellations 2022-2023. Institute for Consulting and System Solutions. Olga Knyazeva

Constellations of structural and internal parts placements 2023-2024. Institute for Consulting and System Solutions. Olga Knyazeva

Transpersonal psychology and Hypnotherapy, private school Conscious Self – Transpersonal counseling and hypnotherapy. 2017-2021. Jure Biechonski

The School of Body-based Therapy (UK) – Bioenergetics. 2019-2020 Devaraj Sandberg

Paramedic 2008- Defense Forces Health Center

Vibroacoustic massage with Tibetan singing bowls using contact method 2016- Viktor Ugui

Voice Dialogue and Conscious Body 2017 – Judith Hendin

Trauma and metaphor cards 2017- Ofra Ayalon

The Gift of Forgiveness – Healing Heart Wounds 2018- Oliver Clerc

Coaching Circles of Forgiveness 2018- Oliver Clerc

Imago relationship therapy 1 A, 2018 Siiri-Liis Kraav

Past life regression 2018- Tom Barber

Un-Hun A Shamanistic throat chanting system for healing and spiritual development. 2019 – Vladislav Matrenitsky

Trauma and EMDR 2019 – Tom Barber

Constellation field reading 2020 – Olga Knjazeva

Metaphorical Associative Maps in Psychology and Psychotherapy 2021 – Olga Knjazeva

Mental Health First Aid, 2021 Major

Trauma training for constables – Franz Ruppert

META-EFT (emotional freedom technique) level 1 and 2, 2022 -2023 Crete Rosin Surface

Master classes for artists: “Individual work with a client”, “Fairy tales, dreams and animals as metaphors”, “Victim, aggressor, savior”, “Couple relations”, “Body, Soul, Spirit”, “Releasing money energy” – 2022-2023 Maire Taska.

Positive Psychology 2023 (3 EAP). University of Tartu – Toivo Aavik

Vibroacoustic therapy (VAT) practitioner 2022-2023 – Moonika Laanetu

Working with trauma in constellations 2023- Vlad Sõritsa

EPKA supervisions from 2022

I regularly hold group constellations at Kadrioru Köleri 8 (times can be found on EPKA’s website in the calendar and on Facebook). I also do an individual constellation reception where I use dolls, anchors and metaphor cards.

In my work, I mainly use a systemic and transpersonal approach, including various methodologies that help the client find balance, integrity, expansion and development, so that the client’s well-being and relationships can change.

I belong to the Estonian Association of Professional Constellators